Fantasy Grounds - Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Elves of Golarion crack watch, crack status

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Fantasy Grounds - Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Elves of Golarion
STATUS 308 days and counting
GAME Fantasy Grounds - Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Elves of Golarion
RELEASE DATE 14 Mar 2024
CRACK DATE 01 Jan 1980
Fantasy Grounds - Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Elves of Golarion
"Pathfinder Companion: Elves of Golarion Elves have been a part of the world for as long as anyone can remember. Caretakers of the natural world, warriors against the tide of savagery, and scholars of the deepest secrets of magic, elves are among Golarion's most mystical and mysterious races.

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